
9. Sep. 2024

Defined Ozone Dosage (DOD) Method applied by BASF SE and Bayer AG

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The Defined Ozone Dosage (DOD) method is designed for experimental ozone-based processes in water treatment applications. It enables precise investigation of the kinetics of ozone-related reactions and the effectiveness of dissolved ozone under controlled laboratory conditions. The DOD uses a recirculating setup to produce an ozonated stock solution in ultra-pure water with a constant and uniform ozone concentration. Once the stock solution is stable, a defined volume of this solution is mixed with the sample water in a reactor, ensuring a uniform concentration through effective stirring.

For more details, please refer to the datasheet and read about the case study on the practical application of the DOD system in cooperation with BASF SE and Bayer AG, click [here]. If you are interested in this topic, please contact our team at:

15. Feb. 2024

MODBUS/TCP option now available for all BMT 965 models

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MODBUS is the most widely used communication protocol for electronic devices across various industries. In particular, MODBUS/TCP, based on Ethernet and TCP/IP technology, is considered the de facto standard due to its ease of implementation and installation. This technology facilitates communication to and from multiple devices on the same network and enables easy access to device diagnostics and configuration data, monitoring and logging with a connected PLC or SCADA.

MODBUS/TCP is now available as an option for the BMT 965 ST and BMT 965 BT models, in addition to the BMT 965 C, BMT 965 OG and BMT 965 AQ models. For further details, please refer to the BMT 965 product pages or contact our sales team.

6. Nov. 2020

New Location

We are happy to announce that the positive trend of our business allowed us to move to a new and bigger head office.

We serve you now from our new billing and delivery address:

BMT Messtechnik GmbH
Hamburger Strasse 19
D-14532 Stahnsdorf

The phone and fax numbers as well as the e-mail accounts remain unchanged.